Arrangements for Parents to Visit the School
Parents are welcome to visit the school by arrangement with the Headteacher when they move into the area or if they wish to see round the school prior to making a decision about their child’s education. Parents may visit the school at any time to look around. Arrangements can be made to see the Headteacher or class teacher. Parents are encouraged to take an interest in the children’s work and work is displayed in the classrooms and around the building. There are regular opportunities for parents to discuss their children’s progress with the class teacher.
Parents of new entrants will be invited to meet the class teacher during the term before the children begin school.
The Curriculum and LA documents are available in school and may be borrowed by parents and carers at any time.
Applications for places
All applicants are required to complete and submit an admission form to Planning and Admissions Services. Decisions will be made approximately half a term prior to proposed entry.
Our current published admission number (PAN) is 420. Our admission number for each year group is 60.
Admissions Procedure
Places will be allocated to the school by Essex County Council, up to the published admissions number, for each year group. There is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority catchment area. In the event of oversubscription places will be allocated using the following criteria in the order given:
1. Looked After Children;
2. children with a sibling already attending the school;
3. children living in the priority admission area;
4. remaining applications.
In the event of oversubscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by straight line distance from home to home, those living closest being given the highest priority.
Exceptional medical circumstances (supported by medical evidence) may override the above (other than Looked After Children).
Straight line distance will be used to differentiate between applications in all criteria. Pupils who cannot be admitted will be offered admission to the nearest available school, taking account of parental preferences and the admission criteria for that school.
Appeal mechanism
Where parents are unsuccessful in securing a place at their preferred school, the following arrangements for an appeal within the terms of the 1980 Education Act and 1993 Education Act apply:
Parents have the right to appeal against admissions decision to an Independent Appeal Panel. Information about how to appeal against a refusal of a school place will be sent with the offer pack. Notice of appeal should be sent to the Clerk to the Independent Appeal Panel, PO Box 11, Chelmsford, CM1 1LX.