Holly Trees Primary School
Vaughan Williams Way
CM14 5RY
Telephone 01277 212296
please email - admin@hollytrees.essex.sch.uk
For any queries regarding Holly Trees Primary School, please contact
Maggie Nimants or Tracey Herrington in the School Office
To contact Mrs Kathryn Waters, Chair of Governors
please email - admin@hollytrees.essex.sch.uk
Headteacher - Mrs S. Meacher
Chair of Governors - Mrs K. Waters
Deputy Headteacher - Mr B. Hocking
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs S. Meacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads - Mr B. Hocking and Mrs E. Palmer
School Business Manager - Mrs M. Nimants
SENCO - Mr O. Allen
Pastoral Lead - Mrs E. Palmer
Early Years Leader - Mr J. Hudson
Key Stage 1 Leader - Miss C. Braithwaite
Lower Key Stage 2 Leader - Mrs S.Rose
Upper Key Stage 2 Leader - Miss J.Bryant