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Holly Trees Primary School

Vaughan Williams Way, Brentwood, CM14 5RY, 01277 212296

Governing Board

Role of the Governing Board 

In accordance with the Government’s requirements for all governing bodies, the core functions of the Holly Trees Primary School Governing Board are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


Some of the specific roles of the governing body include:

  • Appointing the Headteacher and Deputy Head Teacher
  • Approving school targets
  • Approving the School Improvement Plan


The Governing Board of Holly Trees Primary School is normally made up of five elected Parent Governors, one Governor nominated by the Education Authority, an elected Staff Governor, the Headteacher and 8 Co-opted Governors from different backgrounds.

The aim is to ensure that the Governing Board reflects our local community and includes people with the skills and experience to contribute to the effective governance and success of the School. The Full Governing Board meets once each half-term to consider different aspects of the School in detail. 


      2023/2024 Governors


      Category of Governor

      Date Appointed

      Term of Office until

      Kathryn Waters

      Chair of Governors

      Co-Opted23 September 201922 September 2027
      Neville A Brown JPLocal Authority 25 June 202224 June 2026

      Maria Bloom


      1 September 2023

      31 August 2027

      Sarah Meacher


      Ex officio


      Sara Rose

      Elected Staff

      1 September 2022

      31 August 2026

      Dr Richard Spandl


      17 October 2018

      15 October 2026

      Claire Magnusson

      Elected Parent

      1 March 2024

      29 Feb 2028

      Elisabeth Edwin

      Elected Parent

      1 March 2024

      29 Feb 2028

      Kevin Brailey


      30 September 2021

      29 September 2025

      Kristen BarkeParent Governor2nd February 20221st February 2026
       Alice GuptaElected Parent21st March 202320th March 2027
      Stephen BowersElected Parent21st March 202320th March 2027
      Saravanan AnandathiyagarCo-opted21st March 202320th March 2027


      How to Get in Touch

      If you would like to talk to anyone regarding the role of the governing body, then you can get in touch with the Chair of Governors, Mrs Kathryn Waters, via the school office



      Kathryn Waters -  Chair of Governors


      It is my great pleasure to support Mrs Meacher and her team in leading this wonderful school. I have been a co-opted governor since 2015. I have over 25 years’ experience in education as a teacher and school leader and have recently completed an MA in Advanced Child Protection. Both my children attended Holly Trees and I can still see how the strong ethos of the school has influenced them as they grow into young adults. I take an active part in school life, both through my role as Chair of Governors and as Safeguarding Governor. Holly Trees is such a great school, and I am proud to be a part of the community here.


      Neville A Brown JP - Vice Chairman


      As Chairman of the Governing Board for nine years; I stood down in September 2020; due mainly to some health problems. I feel that my business background (a long and varied career with Shell), and my various continuing activities within our local community, have contributed to our School governance over time.  Having largely  “recovered”, I am now prompted to stay on, as Vice Chair, in the hope that I may offer some continuity and support.

      Maria Bloom - Vice Chair 


      I work for a charity providing legally based advice, training and information on special educational needs and the duties of schools and local authorities. On the basis of this, and my longstanding knowledge of the school (I first became a parent governor at Holly Trees when my son, who is in his 20s, was a key stage 1 pupil!) I was re-appointed a co-opted governor in September 2023. My areas of responsibility are Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Development, PSHE and Special Educational Needs. I am vice chair of the Teaching and Learning Committee


      Sara Rose - Staff Governor


      I have been a teacher at Holly Trees since 2008 and have recently taken on the role of Staff Governor. My two children are past pupils and I am very proud of the school's strong values and inclusive approach. I am passionate about child development and learning across the whole curriculum, and have elected to be on the Teaching and Learning Committee.



      Dr Richard Spandl -Parent Governor


      I am a father of two and my eldest son started at Holly Trees in September 2018. Since completing a PhD I have worked as a science teacher for over 10 years and I am now a Deputy Headteacher of a large secondary school in London. I have lived in Brentwood since 2008 and I regularly run the Brentwood Half Marathon. The community spirit of Holly Trees is fantastic and I feel privileged to be able to support the school as a Governor and help ensure that all of the pupils continue to receive a first class academic and holistic education.


      Mrs Claire Magnusson - Parent Governor


      I am a mother of two and my eldest started in reception at Holly Trees in September 2019. As a parent just starting the journey through primary education, I really wanted to be immersed in the school environment and play a role in its community, so I applied to be a parent governor. I am a brand strategy and public relations director and hope to bring my expertise in communication and passion for creativity to the role. I look forward to supporting Holly Trees wherever I can over the coming years.


      Mrs Elisabeth Edwin - Parent Governor


      My eldest child started at Holly Trees in 2018 and we have enjoyed being a part of the school community. As a Parent Governor, I want to contribute to the continued success of the school.

      I am a chartered accountant and have worked across small businesses, charities and financial services. I currently work part-time leading the finance team for an organisation that invests in social enterprises and charities.


      Mr Kevin Brailey - Co-opted Governor


      I was co-opted to the Governing Board in September 2021. I have lived in Brentwood for twenty years and my youngest son attended the school a few years ago. For thirty years I worked in East London, firstly as a Secondary School teacher and then in Local Government but now I'm no longer working full time I'm keen to get back involved with my local primary school. I am a member of the teaching and learning committee and will be the link governor for maths. 


      Mrs Kristen Barke - Parent Governor


      My eldest daughter started at Holly Trees in 2014 and is now in secondary school. My two boys are currently in Year 1 and Year 4. I was co-opted February 2022 and it is a privilege to be a governor at such a warm, friendly school. I have been teacher 3 years and currently work in a local private school. Before teaching I worked in Marketing in a large law firm in London. I am a member of the teaching and learning committee and will be the link governor for literacy. 

      Mrs Alice Gupta - Elected Parent Governor


      My journey as a Holly Trees parent began in 2015 and since then, I have been eager to represent a range of parental perspectives. With over 17 years of experience working in the Housebuilding industry, I will use my corporate background to provide support wherever and whenever needed. Beyond my professional life, I am also an enthusiastic runner, actively raising money for various charities and competing in races. 

      Most importantly, my son looks forward to attending Holly Trees every day, and I am committed to ensuring that all children at the school continue to receive a high-quality education and support. Overall, I am excited to serve as a parent governor and look forward to working collaboratively with staff, parents, and fellow governors to help shape the direction of Holly Trees Primary School.

      Mr Stephen Bowers - Elected Parent Governor



      Mr Saravanan Anandathiyagar - Co-opted Governor


      "I have been a resident of Great Warley for 8 years, and my two daughters currently attend Holly Trees where they are thriving. I have worked in eCommerce and Digital Marketing for over 10 years, and currently lead the commercial team for a sustainability-focused brand. I believe my personal experience, passion for the school and advocacy for Diversity & Inclusivity will be valuable to Holly Trees as a member of the governing board. I am excited and motivated to serve as a Co-opted Governer and working together with teachers, parents and fellow governors to ensure Holly Trees continues to thrive."

      Annual Governance Statement 2023/2024

      A review of the Governing Body’s activities during the past school year, including the attendance records of Governors at meetings, is available by clicking here

      Strategic Intervention Board (SIB)

      As you may be aware, the Local Authority has placed Holly Trees Primary School in statutory intervention under the “Schools Causing Concern” DFE statutory guidance.  This is because the school experienced a considerable financial deficit last year and has required a significant loan from the Local Authority to set a balanced budget for 2024-25. There is a requirement for the school to repay the loan over a period of three years. The Local Authority want to be reassured that it will be repaid as agreed under the terms of the loan.

      As such, as set out in the DfE statutory guidance, the Local Authority has appointed a Strategic Intervention Board (SIB) to work alongside the Governors. The SIB will take responsibility for all finance and HR matters for the duration of the school being in statutory intervention.

      I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that there are no concerns about the quality of education and the Local Authority has taken these steps in relation to the schools finances only.

      As a SIB we will be meeting and working alongside Leaders and Governors regularly, to ensure the quality of education is maintained and to improve the schools financial position making sure it is secure going forward.

      To find out more about the role of the SIB and its members, please click here.

      Thank you, Cathryn Adams, Chair of SIB.

      Governors' Individual Roles and Business Interests

      To view the Governors' Business Interests Register for 2024/2025 click here

      Governors' Attendance Record for 2023/2024

      To view the Governors' Attendance Record for 2023/2024 click here

      Governors - please sign in here to view any documents and policies
