Dear Parents and Carers,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Holly Trees Primary School (HTPS). Our school is a safe and really happy place with a calm atmosphere where each child’s learning, character & spirit can thrive and where pupils are able to develop their leadership and team working skills. Ranked high is the importance we place for maintaining good behaviour and ensuring mutual respect; including children’s regard for each other.
During their last visit (September 2017), Ofsted acclaimed HTPS as a vibrant school community where, to use their words, ‘pupils are eager to learn and their behaviour; both in and around the school and in lessons, remains outstanding’. Their report showed how particular attention is given to providing pupils with individual feedback to help fill gaps in their knowledge and understanding. This is the way by which we develop each of them into confident and self-assured young people. The inspector also identified that our EYFS provision is very strong in our school and that the support given to pupils and families is highly effective.
In appointing Mrs Sarah Meacher as our Headteacher in January 2019, the Governors were intent on consolidating and building on these strengths. We are confident that such improvements are already evident. They have been embraced and are being diligently taken forward by our experienced team of teachers. We are also fortunate that our support staff are equally committed to creating a safe, efficient and attractive working environment for our pupils.
Our School Governing Board comprises sixteen Governors. Five of these are parents formally elected by HTPS parents, on a four year cycle, as Elected Parent Governors (EPGs). They sit with our Headteacher, along with one Governor elected by staff, another appointed by Local Government plus eight others who have been co-opted with a view to provide a balance of skills and experience to help our various deliberations. We have also recently appointed an Associate Member to add to the overall balance of background and knowledge.
You can view the current membership of the Board on our 'Governing Board' page on the website. This is where you can find our annual Governance Statement. You can also see how individual Governors are involved in undertaking the corporate role of the Board.
I wish you success and look forward to meeting you in the future.
Neville A. Brown JP
Chairman of the Governing Board